June 28, 2023

Our Proven Chemical Coating Application Process

Hard hat resting on some valves

IPC was founded in 1978 and has since become a trusted leader in the coatings application market. 

We have spent decades carefully building a reputation that is now recognized by companies worldwide. 

In addition to having proven products that protect our customers’ materials in some of the harshest environments in the world and a team of experts with decades of experience in the industry, our chemical coatings application process is often regaled as the industry standard for coating application and processing. 

This blog post breaks down our process at every step so you can learn why IPC has become the gold standard in the coating applications industry.

If you have more questions about us or how we work, feel free to connect with one of our sales representatives or call us toll-free at (800) 856-4959. 

Step One: Evaluate The Project & Make Coating Product Recommendations

Engineer recomending chemical coatings

We have an in-house team of qualified professional engineers that can assist with the technical details of almost any project from any industry. After they have reviewed the necessary information for your project and materials, they will provide specific recommendations, including which coating products would best suit your needs. 

Step Two: Material Surface Preparation

Materials being prepared for coating process

Once the order has been processed and we have received the materials you wish to coat, our AMPP Certified Technicians carefully inspect their surfaces and prepare them for coating. Our process is methodical and ensures that we not only adhere to strict industry standards but that we comply with the specificities of the project itself. 

Step Three: We Begin The Coating Process

Man working in chemical coating planT

After we have ensured the surfaces of your materials are clean and in perfect condition to receive the coating, we move your products to our separate coating facility. 

We do this so we can make sure there is no contamination and that your materials are in the right environment for coating adhesion. 

Our technicians complete multiple inspections while the coating is being applied and document each stage. When the final quality assessment is complete, we prepare your order for shipping. 

Step Four: We Send Your Order Out For Delivery

Semis driving products to their final destination

We know how important a timeline is to any project. Our team works efficiently to make sure everything is completed correctly and your order is prepared for shipment as fast as possible. Once everything has been approved, we ship your products.

Step Five: Follow Up

Man on phone following up with customer after order was delivered

After you have received your order, our team follows up to make sure your materials are performing at their best for your project. 

We send materials to some of the toughest places on earth and we want to make sure our coatings are protecting your investment so your project can stay on track and on budget. 

Our follow-up is probably one of the most important steps in our process and why we have built lasting relationships with many of our clients. 

Our Chemical Coatings Application Process Is The Gold Standard

IPC has become renowned in Western Canada for our protective coating products that include electroless nickel plating, fusion bonded epoxy and high-performance fluoropolymer

Not only do our coatings extend the life of your equipment, but they also keep your project running on time, reducing delays and increasing your revenue.

But it is our time and tested process that ensures those coating products work in challenging environments where flow erosion, sand abrasion, and friction are at their likeliest.

Our chemical coating application process facility

Also Read: IPC Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings

If you have questions about our coating products, our process or need an engineer to consult on your next project, contact our team online today or call us toll-free at (800) 856-4959. 

Our team is here to help you get the most you can out of your equipment so your company can get the job done.