October 30, 2023

IPC Quality Control Sets Us Apart

Integrated Protective Coatings (IPC) has been a trusted partner in the Alberta oil and gas industry for over four decades.

We have helped businesses protect their investments in some of the most demanding and corrosive environments in the world.

One of the most important things to understand about IPC is that our proven reputation is not just based on our superior application of coating products but also our unwavering dedication to quality control. 

ISO 9001 Standard Compliance

We are extremely proud to be in full compliance with the  ISO 9001:2015 Standard for Quality Management Systems! 

The ISO 9001 Standard is widely recognized as the benchmark for quality. Our team works hard to not just meet this standard but consistently exceed it for every project.

For us, this certification is not just a badge; is a clear demonstration of our unyielding commitment to the highest level of quality, unwavering consistency, and tireless pursuit of exceeding customer expectations. 

IPC Internal Quality Culture

Our commitment to quality is a direct result of our robust internal culture.

This culture is not just a slogan but a way of life for every member of our team. It’s about instilling a passion for quality, a commitment to continuous improvement, and an unwavering dedication to delivering the best possible solutions for our customers.

IPC vs. Competitors

Integrated Protective Coatings has been recognized as the industry leader in the coatings application market in Western Canada for over 45 years. 

While there are certainly competitors within our industry that offer seemingly similar coating products at lower prices, what they lack is a similar commitment to quality control. While strong internal quality control systems might seem unimportant, they often make the difference when it comes to protective coating products working effectively.

At IPC, we have a dedicated team of certified inspectors whose sole job is to ensure our coating products are applied properly. They perform multi-stage inspections and tests to ensure uniform distribution of coating, excellent substrate adhesion, porosity and correct coating thickness. 

This dedicated team of quality professionals (who report directly to our president) is unique to IPC. So are our separate sandblasting bays that prevent dust, dirt and microparticles from contaminating our meticulous coating process.

These combined quality measures distinguish us from other coating companies and ensure our products go the distance in some of the harshest conditions in the world. 

While choosing a more cost-effective option might seem better in the short term, coating products that are not rigorously tested can break down easily. This eventually leads to project delays and thousands of dollars of lost revenue.

IPC is the smartest and most value-driven choice for the long-term success of your business and ongoing projects. 

Why This Matters to You

Our dedication to ISO 9001 Standard compliance and internal quality culture translates directly to benefits for you.

When you choose IPC, not only do you receive the best protective coating products available but you are also investing in a partnership with a company that has quality ingrained in its DNA.

This means you can trust us to provide products that meet the highest standards of quality and reliability, time after time.

In a niche market filled with competitors, it is our commitment to quality that sets us apart. Because we know that investing in quality and complying with the strict requirements of established standards is not only wise but absolutely necessary. 

Choosing IPC For Your Next Project

Chances are if you have been searching for the right coating product manufacturer for your next project, you have come across IPC.

We are one of the longest-standing protective coatings providers in North America and have built a reputation for excellence across multiple industries. 

There are new coating manufacturers joining the market every day that often attempt to offer similar products for lower price points.

However, while these cost-effective coatings might help companies meet budget demands in the short term, these solutions often end up costing more in the long run. 

Coating products that are not applied properly or lack rigorous testing eventually lead to equipment breakdowns, project delays and costly repairs.

Make the right decision the first time and have peace of mind knowing your equipment is protected by premium coating products and backed by a rigorous quality assurance system designed to stand the test of time. 

Click the following links to learn more about Integrated Protective Coatings, our coating products and valve services, our world-class 40,000 sq. ft. production facility or our superior quality control process.

Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and call 1 (800) 856-4959 to learn how we can help with your next project.